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يمكنك توجيه استفسارك للدكتور أكرم من خلال الرابط التالي:
إبني عنده نقاط خضرا بالبراز- Kareem Altaf

عمر الطفل: 6 weeks

جنس الطفل: ذكر

البلد/ العنوان: Pakistan

consult from Kareem altaf

Dear Doctor Akram,
Hope my message will find you hale and healthy. I heard a lot about your expertise in pidratics. I have one issue with my son, who is 6 weeks old. He

is having green spots in the stool and we are exclusively
breast feeding him.
I want to know, is it OK. Or should we visit doctor.
And what can be the reason for it.


عيادة الأطفال :

this is normal and nothing to worry about and congratulations for the new baby

dr akram saadeh

كلمات مفتاحية:
منتدى الأمهات - شاركي بالحوار

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